Toothaches are most often due to either problems inside the tooth or problems in the gums surrounding the tooth.
If you suspect the problem to be related to your gums you may try rinsing and flossing to clear any debris or bacteria that may be stuck. If this does not relieve the problem, contact our office and make an appointment so that we can determine the cause of the problem.
A problem inside the tooth manifests itself usually as pain with hot and cold or pain when putting pressure on the tooth. These symptoms should always be checked with a dentist as they can point to underlying infection.
Lost Filling or CrownCrowns or fillings may become loose due to a blow to the face or decay in the tooth beneath the restoration. If this happens, contact our office to make an appointment as soon as possible. You may experience heightened tooth sensitivity when you lose your restoration.
In the meantime, keep your dental crown (if you have it) in a cool, safe place. We may be able to replace it on the tooth.
Do NOT use any kind of glue to replace the crown on your tooth.
Our dentist will check to see if your crown still fits. If so, it can be reattached to the tooth. If not, we will clean the tooth and make you a new crown.
Chipped or Fractured TeethSome types of chips, cracks or fractures are relatively painless, but others may result in extreme pain. When you chip or fracture a tooth, contact our office immediately. While waiting to meet with our dentist, here are some things you can do:
You may also cover the affected area with dental cement (available for purchase at most pharmacies).
Dislodged or Loosened TeethFirst, contact our office immediately to make arrangements to meet with our dentist. Then place an ice pack or cold compress over the area to relieve swelling and discomfort. You may also use a mild pain reliever.
Our dentist will examine the dislodged or loosened tooth and reposition and stabilize it again in your mouth. If it remains in the mouth and is attached to the blood vessels and nerves, you may not need a root canal. If the tooth does not heal, a root canal treatment may be necessary.
Avulsed (Knocked-Out) TeethIf your tooth has been completely knocked out of its socket, contact our office immediately. Time is a critical factor in whether or not we can successfully replace your tooth in your mouth. After arranging to meet with our dentist, follow these instructions: